G-EO System

The G-EO Evolution Gait Trainer by REHA Technology is now available at Project Walk Boston. The G-EO System is the world’s most advanced robotic- assisted gait training system. We are proud to be ONE of only TEN in the United States, and the only one between Philadelphia and Montreal. The G-EO is a bodyweight supported gait trainer that enables motor compromised individuals to complete a high volume of step repetitions. The G-EO is also the only machine on the market that has a stair climb setting and a stair descent setting.
From our highest injury level (C3) to those that are close to walking on their own, the G-EO System has something to offer for everyone.  On average, our clients are able to complete anywhere from 1,000 – 3,000 steps, stairs or a combination of both, in a one-hour G-EO session. With a ramp leading right up to the footplates, getting clients set up is easy, resulting in more time spent up-right and gait training.  In addition to the high volume of steps, our clients have shown improvements in standing endurance, lung capacity, and some have even noticed changes in sensation.
The easy-to-use computer system is able to identify how much bodyweight a client is bearing on their own feet and the percentage in which the harness is supporting. The computer also allows us to make adjustments to more minute aspects of the gait; adjustments to stride length, plantar and dorsi flexion of the ankles, and the overall speed can make for a much smoother gait pattern in the G-EO.  Taking all of this information into account makes it easier for the training staff to see when it is necessary to make changes to the amount of assistance or resistance that the G-EO is providing.
The G-EO System is also able to accommodate our pediatric clients. The training staff is able to swap out the adult foot plates for pediatric foot plates, reduce the stride length, and incorporate the use of a pediatric harness that fits our smallest clients (age 2). Many of our pediatric clients and their parents have noticed significant changes since beginning to use the G-EO.  Some of our pediatric clients have been able to initiate steps on their own, engage more of their core muscles in other activities, and some clients have even had cognitive improvements since using the G-EO.
The training staff has also been able to use the G-EO System with clients into their 70’s and 80’s.  Clients with blindness, prosthetics, and even ventilators have been able to use the G-EO.  Under direct supervision from the training staff, each client is properly cared for and all client needs can be addressed while on the G-EO.  Breaks can be given, and clients can be quickly put back into their chairs should a blood pressure or medical issue arise.
We book the G-EO in one-hour blocks.  If you would like to schedule or would like some more information on this amazing machine, please contact us.
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